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最后更新时间:2024-11-26 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:30045 浏览:134088
Abstract: This paper first analyzes the slow students on the basis of the characteristics of college and universities, and then introduced a self management education mode. This kind of education model establishing independent management platform and humanization management system provid摘自:硕士论文格式www.7ctime.com
es an effective protection and reasonable inspire students fall behind. Proprietary model made some good results of the three years after the education process. We hope that a more complete set of education management mechani behind students, can form a kind of new method for education and guidance, student can open backward through our exploration and research.
Key words: -self-management; education mode; college education
Now, the university of Chinese students are generally only children, brought on by their parents' care even indulgence and lack of ability to live an independent life. Therefore, it makes the most of them are poor in homemade ability, especially in the college and universities students live mainly in a wealthy family, he a weak elastic and the insufficiency, self management, self control. Defines our students to poor performance, or even interrupted due to a lack of self management ability slow students .
However, these students he a clear common lies in a rebel, but strong sense of self-esteem, and the value of group. Design a kind of unique education mode has created a beating environment stimulate their self management ability and their self-esteem respected and then raises the student good study habits, in order to achieve better grades.
There are more and more students drop out of the younger student's independent institute. In the independent institute论文导读:picalconditionromhighschooltocollegeself-study-oriented,theyexperiencedgreatchanges.Nottourgeandconstraintromtheparents,henointimesupervisionandteachers,andtheyfeelgreatfreedom,nopressure,thedirectionandselfmanagement,makethemvulnerablethetemptationo
of increase of enrollment, and of the college and universities freshmen is basically in the next child grow the forable conditions.
When they changed some typical conditions from high school to college self-study-oriented, they experienced great changes. Not to urge and constraints from the parents, he no in time supervision and teachers, and they feel great freedom, no pressure, the direction and self management, make them vulnerable the temptation of diversity of the world from the external charming, like games. Worse, it influences their learning achievements, even happen drop in the first year-outs .
Although the number of the students of different class behind a all number, it will affect a lot of erage students, even the whole class discipline not to supervision. Only supervision and effectively hold, the whole class discipline can improve and even the entire school, and to some extent, it can to se and change the direction of fate and some of the students. Therefore, reform, and education behind the requirements of the development of student's comprehensive education goal, is the key to success.源于:论文结论范文www.7ctime.com
At the same time, it can effectively equipment backward students and teachers and outstanding member of the communist party of China, so when they he difficulty in learning or life, they can help.
3.2. Provide an Effective Self-management System Protection for Backward Students
Administrative management functions of the slow students under the guidance of the class teacher in charge. This type of agreement draft their customs and development class management system in the whole class through the formal after the vote, and then the strict shelved is necessary. At the same time, in the evening regular cla论文导读:eedbacktotheteacherinchargeteacherandstudentaffairsofficethroughtheplatform,sothatstudentsinteacheraymanagementbehind.3.3.ProvideReasonableIncentivesInordertoimprovethebehindthelearninginterestofthestudents,strengthentheirconfidence,weprovidethesam
ssroom to learn, to learn to track daily a源于:论文格式字体要求www.7ctime.com
nd weekly feedback, establish education management files and some other compulsory measures to encourage them, in order to develop good study habits gradually [8].
In addition, in order to he a real time to check the students attend behind; we developed a network management platform, with real-time, interactive and useful information to the teacher, head teachers and posted by student affairs section.
At the same time, the students system behind mark clear, the teacher pays attention to their class. In addition, record attendance and homework will give feedback to the teacher in charge teacher and student affairs office through the platform, so that students in teachers may management behind.

3. Provide Reasonable Incentives

In order to improve the behind the learning interest of the students, strengthen their confidence, we provide the same scholarship, honors and awards in this class of other normal class. At the same time, we provide prize for the study progress in our school, in each semester, we evaluated many awards for academic excellence and outstanding cadres teaching and learning progress, backward students find award for example students encourage them to keep improving constantly downstream [9].
3.4. Pay Attention to Three Levels to Promote Together
There are three levels to promote education self management mode; they are strengthening discipline of the university, the supervision of the teachers and students of mutual cooperation.
Their aim is to stimulate the students' own responsibility, and the rest of the class, cultivate the ability of the good habit, self management and development to study better.
In this study, we he some basic research, such论文导读:estudentswhicharegood,butalsofoundsomeproblemsinenterprisemanagementpractice:wefoundthatmostofthestudentsarepassive,rebellious.摘自:学士论文www.7ctime.com源于:论文致谢怎么写www.7ctime.com上一页1234
as carrying out "the communist party members to help students: one by a" plan of students for three years behind. For some students which are good, but also found some problems in enterprise management practice: we found that most of the students are passive, rebellious.摘自:学士论文www.7ctime.com
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