免费论文查重: 大雅 万方 维普 turnitin paperpass


最后更新时间:2024-04-04 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:4956 浏览:19283
【摘要】 为解决医院“三长一短”现象,提高门诊运作效率,利用医院现有HIS系统与银行业务整合并推出“银医一卡通”系统毕业设计论文。该系统可把作为患者在所在医院使用的诊疗卡,并可于本院自助终端机上实现自助挂号、缴费等多项业务,减少患者等候时间,优化就诊流程。“银医一卡通”系统是优化医院门诊流程,提高门诊运作效率,方便患者就诊的手段免费毕业论文。
【关键词】 银医一卡通系统; 架构; 流程改造
The hospital outpatient process tranormation based on the “bank-hospital one-card pass”system CAO Xiao-jun,YANG Xiu-feng.Computer center of Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center,Guangzhou 510623,China
【Abstract】 In order to effectively solve the hospital“three long and one short”phenomenon and improve the outpatient operation efficiency,Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center integrates the existing hospital HIS system with bank business and launches“bank-hospital one-card pass”system.This system can make the bank card become the registration card used in our hospital, and can implement self-service terminal registration,payment and other business in our hospital.By using this system,the waiting time can be reduced and the outpatient service process can be optimized.“bank-hospital one-card pass”system is effective to optimize hospital outpatient service,improve the outpatient operation efficiency and make easier for patients.
【Key words】 Bank-hospital one-card pass system; Architecture; Process tranormation



 在国内,医疗资源的不均衡,导致大型三甲医院门诊常常出现“三长一短”(即排队长、收费长、候诊长、就诊时间短)现象[1]。-以上为可参考的写作提示