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1. Introduction:Definition and different expressions of negative sentences
"The sentence that makes negative judgment for something is a negative sentence".In Chinese, negative meaning is expressed by means of words.That is to say,negative sentences are marked by negative words,for example,"不、无、否、非、没、莫、勿、未、毋、弗" and so on.Besides,it also includes the below phrase,such as"决不、毫无、并非、没有、未尝".
Meanwhile,besides using some negative words (no,not,never,neither,hardly,rarely,few,little etc ) to express negative meaning in English, there are still other different ways for negative meaning expressions.One is to add some prefix or suffix to certain words,such as: no-,non-,in-,dis-,un-, im-,-less etc. What's more,the means of syntax can also express negative meaning,such as too---to,anything---but,not---but and so on.At the same time,the comparative structure can also express negative meaning,such as: more---than,rather than---,less than---,no more---than,no less---than etc.
2. Types and common mistakes of negative sentence
2.1Types of negative sentence and translation.
To command negative sentence,we must firstly make clear that how many types are there in the negative sentence? According to the study of translation circles,the negative sentence can be divided into five types,these are complete negation,partial negation,double negation,neg源于:论文库www.7ctime.com
ation tranormation,implied negation.

1.1 Complete negation.

Complete negation is one negative word in a sentence.Usually,it is made up by "none/no/not/neither/nobody/nothing/never/nowhere etc+affirmative predicate"
Eg: (1)"Nowhere is the home of the little girl."Let's look at the sentence,here the negative word is "nowhere",and the affirmative predicate is "is".Thus,this is a complete negative sentence.It can be translated as"这个小女孩没有家"。
(2) "Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it".
In this proverb,"nothing" is the negative word,and "is" is the affirmative predicate.Therefore, this is a complete negative sentence.As we known,this is "世上无难事,只怕有心人"in Chinese.

1.2 Partial negation

Partial negation negatives the partial meaning of a sentence,it is contrary to complete negation.Usually,it is made up by some pronouns and adverbials withpartial meaning (Eg:some,somebody,somewhere,something etc)+negation predicate.源于:大学生毕业论文范文www.7ctime.com