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Chapter 1 Introduction11-15

1.1 Background of the research11

1.2 Purpose of the study11-12

1.3 Significance of the research12-13

1.4 Arrangement of the thesis13

1.5 The reason for adopting TBLT13-15

Chapter 2 Literature Review15-28

2.1 Studies of TBLT Abroad15-22


1.1 Definition of Task16-17


1.2 Characteristics of Task17-18


1.3 Task versus Exercise18-19

2.1.4 Definition of Task-Based Language Teaching19-20
2.1.5 Characteristics of Task-Based Language Teaching20-21
2.1.6 Principles of Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning21-22
2.2 Studies of TBLT in Primary School At home22-24
2.3 Graded Examinations in Spoken Engpsh24-28
Chapter 3 Relevant Theoretical Foundations28-33

3.1 Van Lier's Curriculum Theory28-29

3.2 Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis29-31

3.3 Interaction Hypothesis31-33

Chapter 4 Apppcation of Task Design in Oral Class33-38

4.1 Basic Principles of Designing Tasks33

4.2 Procedures of task design33-35

4.3 Teacher's role in Task-Based Language Teaching35-38
Chapter 5 Experimental Research38-47

5.1 Research questions38

5.2 Aims38

5.3 Participants38-39

5.4 Teaching Materials39

5.5 Instruments39

5.1 Questionnaires39

5.2 Test(Pre-test and Post-test)39

5.3 Interview39

5.6 The experiment procedure39-47

5.6.1 The First Questionnaire40

5.6.2 The pre-test40-41

5.6.3 The teaching process41-43

5.6.4 Some propositional task examples in oral class43-45

5.6.5 The Second Questionnaire45-46

5.6.6 The Post-test46-47

Chapter 6 Results and Analyses47-64

6.1 Data collection47

6.2 Result analysis47-64

6.2.1 Analysis of Questionnairel and the first Section of Questionnaire 247-52
6.2.2 Analysis of the second section of Questionnaire 252-57
6.2.3 Anal论文导读:eforTwoOralTests79Appendix6ASampleforInterview79-80PaperspubpshedinthePeriodofM.A.Education80-81Acknowledgements81上一页12
ysis of two tests57-59
6.2.4 Analysis of the results of interview59-64
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Imppcation64-70

7.1 Conclusion64-65

7.2 Imppcation of the study65-67

7.2.1 Imppcation for Engpsh teachers and learners65-66
7.2.2 Imppcation from theoretical foundations66-67

7.3 Limitations of the study67-68

7.4 Suggestions for further research68-70

Appendix 1 The First Questionnaire73-74
Appendix 2 The Second Questionnaire74-76
Appendix 3 The Pre-test76-78
Appendix 4 The Post-test78-79
Appendix 5 A Sample Rating Scale for Two Oral Tests79
Appendix 6 A Sample for Interview79-80
Papers pubpshed in the Period of M.A. Education80-81