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Abstract:Explore the nature of the hidden curriculum, and utilize the positive functions of hidden curriculum with theory on English teaching and psychological linguistics to obtain desirable effects in College English teaching.
Key words:hidden curriculum, function, utilization, College English teaching
1 Introduction
In the whole course of teaching, school students' training includes not merely the curriculum stipulated in the teaching plan which is called formal curriculum, but also includes the other contents not listed in the teaching plan called hidden curriculum. In the last decade, there has been text reforms in College English and revision in the curriculum of English major which indicates that the formal curriculum in English teaching has been obviously focused on, while it is not the same with the hidden curriculum which greatly affects the quality of College English teaching. And currently, the drawback of College English teaching shows the failure in obtaining the desirable effect in teaching. Therefore, we need to look in greater detail at the nature and the function of the hidden curriculum and how it affects conceptions of success and failure within the education system.
2 The Nature of Hidden Curriculum
“Hidden curriculum”, originally coined by Philip Wesley Jackson ("Life in Classrooms", 1968), is used by educators historically in three primary senses: 1) to mean a kind of indoctrination that attempts to maintain social privilege--or esoteric knowledge and practices--and that is imposed together with the formal, taught curriculum; 2) to refer to the subtle effects of the setting in which formal education occurs; 3) to refer to the unstated rules necessary for succesul completion of formal论文导读:etweenonegenerationandthenext,butalsotranitthewaysinwhichstudentslearntoacceptthedenialandinterruptionoftheirpersonaldesiresandwishes.Andthelatter,suchasthestimulationofEnglishlearningmotivation,thecultivationofEnglishlearningenthusia,theformationof
education studies
3 The Function of Hidden Curriculum in College
English Teaching
3.1 Hidden curriculum is an indispensable complement of
formal curriculum in college English teaching.
“Hidden curriculum” refers to those things that are taught implicitly and which do not appear on the formal curriculum. It plays as an indispensable complement of formal curriculum. The latter is usually utopian. Actually, different students and different teachers would he their own hidden curricula by their own conditions to meet different needs. And according to modern curriculum theory, curriculum is a complicated system formed by elements of multilevel. Without hidden curriculum, the English curriculum structure is not a complete system naturally, which cannot bring the normal function of the system into play and consequently cannot realize the goal of English education totally. We use "hidden curriculum" to draw attention to the idea that schools do more than simply aid the tranission of knowledge between one generation and the next, but also tranit the ways in which students learn to accept the denial and interruption of their personal desires and wishes. And the latter, such as the stimulation of English learning motivation, the cultivation of English learning enthusia, the formation of English learning experience, etc., only depending on inculcating and instructing will be not effective. Most of them will be completed by the hidden curriculum, which has the function that formal curriculum can't be substituted.
3.2 Hidden curriculum has an influence on students’ ideology and论文导读:fnormsandvaluesaswellasacademicknowledge.Ifstudentsaretosucceedwithintheeducationsystem,theyheto"learnhowtolearn".Thatis,theyhetolearntoconformnotjusttotheformalrulesoftheschoolbutalsototheinformalrules,beliefsandattitudesperpetuated.Besides
culture development in College English teaching.
As stated before, hidden curriculum refers to the contents, other than academic knowledge, not listed in formal curriculum. So it also passes beliefs, values and understa源于:论文的格式www.7ctime.com
ndings on to the students, not explicitly, but unconsciously and implicitly through the organization of the institution. And “the tranission of cultural values and attitudes, such as standard behior, norms, conformity and obedience to authority, is realized through rules, routines, regulations of schools or subtle presentations of political or cultural ideas in the classroom.”Education is a socialization process involving the tranission of norms and values as well as academic knowledge. If students are to succeed within the education system, they he to "learn how to learn". That is, they he to learn to conform not just to the formal rules of the school but also to the informal rules, beliefs and attitudes perpetuated.
Besides, language is a carrier of the culture. English, naturally, reflects the ideology and culture of English-speaking countries. For instance, it is very normal in U.S.A when a grown son calls the name of his father which is regicidal in China on the contrary. And it is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation to respect the old man. So we always call the old by “old + family name” or “family name + old” to show our respect. However, westerners do not like to use old, because it makes people associate it with senility, aged and useless, etc. So, through College English learning, students will he a wide vision of culture and be helped to dispel the cultural shock.
In short, hidden curriculum has an influence on students’ ideology and culture development in College English teaching.论文导读:phenomenaof“highscoresbutpoorability”,“dumbEnglish”,etc.Hiddencurriculumasthecurriculumnotapartoftheteachingplanwillformakindofgroupneedsandgoals,whichwillhedifferentfunctionsofstimulationtowardsstudentsunderdifferentculturebackground.TakeColleg
3.3 Hidden curriculum has the function of orientation and stimulation which can help the students promote their enthusia to study English.
There tends to be the phenomenon of apperception in people’s attitudes toward things among colony. Consequently, in certain culture background, the individual's faith, aspiration, inclination will be influenced by other people in the colony, or even the majority's attitude and behior will often become the indi摘自:本科毕业论文范文www.7ctime.com
vidual's behior guide. For example, in the early eighties, the craze of going abroad appeared in China. Many students were eager to he a further study abroad. Thus, studying English to pass TOEFL became most of students' conscious inclination at that time. In the orientation of this inclination, on one hand, students knows the importance of leaning College English and improves their requirement in leaning College English, while on the other hand, there appeared the inclination of simply pursuing the success in TOEFL. Meanwhile, many students neglected the contents and requirements in formal curriculum, which led to the phenomena of “high scores but poor ability”, “dumb English”, etc.
Hidden curriculum as the curriculum not a part of the teaching plan will form a kind of group needs and goals, which will he different functions of stimulation towards students under different culture background. Take College English Test (CET) as an example. CET, as a test examines college students’ English level, is not listed in formal curriculum. And in formal curriculum it requires stu论文导读:udyinordertowakestudents'subjectconsciousnessup,enablestudenttoredoubleone'seffortsandmakeconstantprogress,becausetherearevalues,dispositions,andsocialandbehioralexpectationsthatbringrewardsinschoolforstudentsandthatlearningwhatisexpectedalongtheselines
dents to improve the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. But, many employers tie CET with graduates’ learning ability. Thus there appears the hidden curriculum of passing the exam. This kind of hidden curriculum will greatly stimulate the students to learn English hard, grasping not only the contents required in formal curriculum but the ones in hidden curriculum to get higher marks.
4 The Utilization of Hidden Curriculum in College English Teaching
In College English teaching, teachers should take various kinds of methods to make full use of the positive functions of hidden curriculum to obtain desirable effects.
Teachers should recognize, partly accept the hidden curriculum and give relevant guidance to those who with the hidden curriculum to help them achieve desirable effects in College English leaning. Until learning states are acknowledged or the learners and teachers are aware of them, a hidden curriculum remains hidden and could not be utilized. Adopt stimulating education, set up a set of systems of rewarding study in order to wake students' subject consciousness up, enable student to redouble one's efforts and make constant progress, because there are values, dispositions, and social and behioral expectations that bring rewards in school for students and that learning what is expected along these lines is a feature of the hidden curriculum
Build a variety of College English learning environments, like campus environment (set up English radio stat论文导读:arrangingsomelanguagegameswhennecessaryandfullyutilizingthemultimediainteachingtoimprovestudents’interestinEnglishlearning.Makestudent'sindependentthoughtactive,inordertodeveloptheirinterestinEnglish.Encouragestudentstoparticipateinthelanguageactivityinc
ion, English salon, various English contests), class environment (make class situation play, set up books corners), network environment (build network English study garden), etc. to improve students’ English unconsciously and implicitly.
form the English examination system.Focus on the output of learning English such as speaking and writing part in various English contests or tests to change the phenomena of "dumb English " and “deaf English”.
Hold study competition properly, strengthen the extracurricular activities, such as English Salon, English corner, English party, presentation of English learning experience, watching English movies & TV, homework exhibition of English study ,etc., to promote the enthusia of English study by utilizing the stimulating function of hidden curriculum.
Make the content given in class enlightening, fascinating; Make English classroom varied and lively, like arranging some language games when necessary and fully utilizing the multimedia in teaching to improve students’ interest in English learning.
Make student's independent thought active, in order to develop their interest in English. Encourage students to participate in the language activity in class and stimulate them to use the target language to express ideas boldly.
Let students know more about the culture of the English speaking countries to improve the interest in learning English and exert a subtle influence on students’ ideology and culture development in English teaching.
Use role playing to teach good manners in English Teaching. Teaching ESL students what is considered good manners is a very important part in hidden curriculum, for hidden curriculum emphasized specific skills: learning to wait quietly, exercising restraint, trying, compl论文导读:5Conclusion 
eting work, keeping busy, cooperating, showing allegiance to both teachers and peers, being neat and punctual, and conducting oneself courteously. These features of school life and requirements for conformity to institutional expectations had little to do with educational goals, but were essential for satiactory progression through school. Role playing, teacher modeling, peer modeling, and video are all good tools for teaching these social skills, like, how to give and receive compliments, to thank someone for something, to answer the telephone, to ask directions, and to make all talk. He students learn how to observe their peers for models of correct behior and set expectations for their behiors. [3]5 Conclusion
Hidden curriculum, of various forms, it is an abundant living teaching material which varies with schools, teachers and students. In hidden curriculum, students can not only learn College English, but also experience the education in the attitude, individual character, inclination, etc., and experience gracefully in the serious and tense study activities the aesthetic pleasant sensation, which harmoniously unifies the academic education and humane education. Recommending quality-oriented education today, give full play to the positive effect of hidden curriculum, is the new way of curriculum development and the reform of College English teaching contents in the 21st century.
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作者简介:张英(1978-),女,浙江临海人,浙江师范大学在职研究生,台州学院外国语学院讲师,研究方向:语言学,教学法。 [3][4]